Monday, February 16, 2009

Welcome to My BUG!

Hello and welcome to my blog on my Etsy shop -! I LOVE crafting, especially crochet and knitting. I've been a crocheter for years, but have recently started knitting as well. I love the versitility of yarn and am such a nerd when I find a new skein that I have to have. I feed my yarn habit through my shop and am always excited to have someone admire my work enough to make a purchase!

I am always asked how I came up with my shop name, and really it's quite simple. My first child was just this adorable little baby that we nicknamed "bug"! I liked the look of 'bug' being all capitalized and since the shop name had to be more than three letters long, it became "My BUG".

As a full time stay-at-home mom to two rambuctious little kids, this is my outlet. I love that I can do this on my own time and put as much (or sometimes as little) into it as I like. My days are filled with little requests - "I want this"/"Can I have that?" - it's nice to have something that is all mine that I enjoy doing! I truly love my craft and each stitch I make is filled with love and attention to detail.

While my blog is mainly about the creations I have for my shop, you'll may also find other bits of information that I find interesting that may be of help to you. I hope you enjoy what you read, find things you are looking for, and share in the joy of handmade, creativity with me!